Take the next step today
If you’re keen to get started but unsure of the next step, our team is here to answer any questions you might have.

Don’t wait – Ask for more detail, schedule a call with our representative or book a flexible consultation and start your journey here.
Your Story Starts Here - CALL US TODAY
Choosing the right property partner is the first part of your story.
That’s why it’s important to choose wisely.

Our team is made of seasoned professionals, market experts and people with a passion for real estate. We use our knowledge and experience to help investors, families and individuals create beautiful homes and success stories of their own.

All enquiries - 1300LANART (1300 526 278)
Existing customers - 0291885088
Property Management - 0451686030
Visit Our Display House
Be inspired and visit our display home to truly understand the LANART Homes difference. While you’re there, feel free to ask our friendly customer service team any questions you might have.

Address: 129 Warnervale Rd, Hamlyn Terrace NSW 2259.

The display open hours:
Monday: 10 am - 4 pm
Tuesday: 10 am - 4 pm
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: 10 am - 4 pm
Friday: 10 am - 4 pm
Saturday and Sunday: by appointment. Get in touch to arrange your visit.
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